She likes pop, she likes glitter and she loves to dance like no one is watching. Rosetta Bleach is a fun and entertaining drag queen from Berlin, Germany. She enchants everyone with her positive vibes, fantasy body curves and that super sharp eyeliner. Rosetta is not only a queen on social media but also a DJ.
Who is the the person behind the make up? Marcel is working as a filmmaker. At a young age he got into making videos & photos. During that time he messed around with gender roles and experimented a lot with make up and clothes. After finishing school he became a musician and travelled the world together with the pop/rock band Cinema Bizarre. One of his highlights: They toured through North America as opening act for Lady Gaga on her “Fame Ball Tour” in 2009. Rosetta Bleach came to life during that time and went out clubbing. After the break up of the band Rosetta made a break from drag and focused on a career as a filmmaker. Rosetta Bleach had her comeback in December 2017 and started to take over the Berlin club scene.
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